The next public lecture of the project Vaud Multilingue, in collaboration with linguists from the HEP Vaud, takes place on Monday, 24 September 2018 at 18h at the HEP Vaud (Avenue de Cour 33, 1007 Lausanne, room C33-520). After the lecture, drinks and light snacks will be offered.
We are delighted to welcome Professor Simone Pfenninger (Universität Salzburg) who will present a lecture on the following topic (lecture in German, slides in French, handout in English):
Je früher desto besser? Und für wen? Mehrsprachigkeit, Alter und Fremdsprachenlernen in Schweizer Schulen.
One research focus of Professor Pfenninger is the acquisition and learning of languages. The role of age in foreign language learning is often discussed in Switzerland as each canton organizes language teaching differently. During this public lecture, some of the conventional wisdom concerning foreign language learning in Swiss schools will be closely examined.
You are cordially invited to attend this event!